Android : My Hello Wold does run, but only shortly - Android

on Sunday, August 31, 2014

all I am doing:

Exlipse --> new Project --> Android Application --> Activity type: blank

no changes in the code, just the simple Hello world.

It does start, I see the Hello World on the virtual device, but then immediatly shuts down.

The logcat is as follows:

08-31 06:01:14.976: W/dalvikvm(1114): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception(group=0xb2aeeba8)
08-31 06:01:14.996: E/AndroidRuntime(1114): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-31 06:01:14.996: E/AndroidRuntime(1114): Process: com.example.tester, PID: 1114
08-31 06:01:14.996: E/AndroidRuntime(1114): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$styleable
08-31 06:01:14.996: E/AndroidRuntime(1114): at

Any Ideas?


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