Android : Android AdView/AdMob policies between activities and fragments

on Sunday, October 26, 2014

My application has four different screens which will be encapsulated by fragments on one activity so that a constant AdView can display at the bottom of the application. Only one fragment will be displayed at a time, along with the ad.

In one of these application fragments however, there's quite a bit of dragging and clicking which I'm afraid will lead to false ad clicks, so I want to remove the ad fragment when that particular application fragment is in use.

My question is - is this as simple as destroying the AdView when this fragment is selected and bringing it back when the user leaves that fragment? The reason I'm curious is that I didn't know if AdMob would flag my account - does an entirely new ad load every time I instantiate the AdView? I'm just afraid that AdMob would see this as me trying to load/unload a bunch of AdViews to cycle through more ads.

So - let's say an ad is set to display for 60s. The user starts the application and gets an ad at t=0s. The user then moves into the no-ad screen at t=3s, and then back to an ad-displaying screen at t=24s. On the move back to the screen with the ad, does a new ad load? Or is this managed by AdMob to keep the ad rate constant regardless of how many requests you make in an ad's time interval?


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