Android : launch external activity in the same task

on Thursday, October 30, 2014

How do I regard a task: open the task manager to see.

I have been thinking that it's impossible to start an external activity in the current task since long time ago. But I have found this is INCORRECT!

My app could start a twitter/facebook/sms in the same task (when clicking the task manger button, I could only see my task). But this doesn't apply to browsers. I have tried two browser app chrome and firefox. None of them works like twitter/facebook/sms

The following are the code for open a facebook client and a browser. Any comments would be really appreciated!

public Intent shareViaFacebook(Activity ctx) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
ActivityInfo appInfo = searchForApp(ctx, intent, "facebook");

if (appInfo == null)
return null;

intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(appInfo.packageName,;

intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "message");
return intent;

public Intent launchBrowser(Activity ctx, String url) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));

ActivityInfo appInfo = searchForApp(ctx, intent, null);
if (appInfo == null)
return null;
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(appInfo.packageName,;
return intent;


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