Android : Setting language depending on the current location/country from geocoder

on Saturday, October 25, 2014

I have a textview in my app which shows the current city and street from geocoder and want the city and streetname in the language of the country the user is currently in.

I wanted to do this in the first place (simplified code):

1. Get addresses-list from geocoder:

List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(mLatitude, mLongitude(), 1);

2. Get locale from addresses (docs say it gives me the locale of the current address):

Locale locale = addresses.get(0).getLocale();

3. Create new geocoder-object with this locale:

Geocoder geocoder_new = new Geocoder(mContext, locale);

4. Get addresses from geocoder_new for getting finally city and street names

.....unfortunately getLocale() doesnt really return the locale of the current address but the defaultLocale of my app. Also discussed here:

So this doesnt give me what i want.

I did it like this then:

List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(mLatitude, mLongitude, 1);
Locale locale=new Locale(addresses.get(0).getCountryCode());
Geocoder geocoder_new = new Geocoder(mContext, locale);

it works here in germany, but i am not sure if thats gonna work always because docs say:

public String getCountryCode ():
Returns the country code of the address, for example "US", or null if it is unknown.


Locale(String language):
Constructs a new Locale using the specified language.

Locale constructor expects a language-string as parameter. Does the countryCode from addresses always have the right format?

Should i do it different?

thx in advance!


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