Android : I keep getting zero when i call getPixel function on the image Bitmap

on Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I have an image and store each pixel values in an array called pixels. I then get the first pixel value at location (0,0) and proceed to change only the RED value of the pixel to a specified integer. I then create a new array called encodedPixels which contains the changed value along with all the rest of the values from pixels array.

I create a new bitmap called encodedBitmap and set the encodedPixels onto this bitmap. I then call getPixels at (0,0), it should display the edited value with the changed red value, However it always displays zero and I cant seem to figure out why. Below is how I have created the bitmap

Bitmap encodedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(imageWidth,imageHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

System.out.println("first pixel at encodedbitmap: " + encodedBitmap.getPixel(0,0));


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